Commenting helps create a sense of community because you find out very quickly that others have the same concerns you have, share the same situations and sometimes might have a suggestion of something you might try in your classroom to make you be able to meet your objective.
I commented on many blogs some being TeddyBear / boog-phil / ictbailey/ crickets corner/ science7 / coolcatteacher
Some of the topics I have commented on with boogphil was the health site he found. With Voyager reading we cover a helath unit that talks about exercise and making good food choices. This would be a waqy to show they how they can keep up with their weight and look up information about foods and food groups.
Ictbailey and I discussed apprehension over this class. Little did I know ictbailey would be the first one finished in this class or at least one of the first ones done. ha!
Something I feel would be great for all students is crickets corners website called and we discussed working with descriptive words.
Another blog talked about comic strips site and sequential order and I got alot of great ideas for my class next year.
Coolcatteacher and I blogged about Second Life and how popular and fun this is and then others gave us suggestions on things we might want to check out before we jump into our Second Life.
I like reading blogs and writing blogs it is like a huge brainstorming meeting! My mother always told me two heads were better than one so in theis case you can have the knowledge of many! It makes you a better teacher and makes your classroom more ready and productive to learning for your students.
Always makes me smile :]
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